Are you kidding me? John McCain is schlepping "Joe the Plumber" around Ohio with him and introducing Joe whatever his last name is as "A Real American Hero"! Again, I have to ask, Are you kidding me! "A Real American Hero?" What? John McCain, regardless of if I agree with his race for the presidency or not, is a man of courage, a war hero, a man that I believe loves his country. He's also a man that has clearly lost his mind - for John McCain to call "Joe the Plumber" a "A Real American Hero" shows me just how wrong his campaign has gone.
When all is said and done, Joe the Plumber will have the memories of being a pawn during a Historic Presidential Election, he will be a footnote in the history books. An oddity of American politics.
I wonder, when Joe's grandchildren ask him about the picture on his wall of him and John McCain (you know one will be there), will he tell them that he voted for McCain?
You have been given a voice, use it. Go out and VOTE! November 4th.
Technorati Tags: Joe the Plumber, John McCain, Presidential Election, American Politics, Politics, Vote, American Hero, War Hero, American Hero

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