Change? Really, are you kidding?
The ONLY thing that has changed is
90%+ consistent voting record with the "establishment" that

A Blog that believes in being and promoting social activism. Become active, SCREAM about something you care about. Rants from a grumpy old man with opinions to spare.
Change? Really, are you kidding?
The ONLY thing that has changed is
90%+ consistent voting record with the "establishment" that
How much do we really know about
City Council Member, Seat E, Term October 1992 - October 1995 (First Term)
City Council Member, Seat E, Term October 1995 - October 1998 (Second Term) Sarah Palin only completed one-year of this term before she was elected Mayor.
Mayor of Wasilla, Term October 1999 - October 2002 (Second Term)
source: City of Wasill: City News web site.
What are the demographics of Wasilla?:
Population in July 2007: 9,780. Population change since 2000: +66.9%
It's population is pretty well split down the middle:
Males: 2,728 (49.9%) Females: 2,741 (50.1%)
The town is a bit younger than the rest of Alaska -
Median resident age: 29.7 years Alaska median age: 32.4 years
The estimated median household income in 2005: $47,900 (it was $48,226 in 2000) in comparison to the rest of Alaska: Wasilla $47,900 Alaska: $56,234
Estimated median house/condo value in 2005: $158,800 (it was $137,700 in 2000)
the rest of Alaska: Alaska: $197,100
Races in Wasilla:
White Non-Hispanic (83.9%)
American Indian (9.1%)
Two or more races (5.9%)
Hispanic (3.7%)
Other race (1.3%)
Black (0.6%)
source for the above data: City
While none of this is earth shattering at all - it's just statistics, hell it could be Toad Suck Ferry, AR for all that matters - I was just curious as to what the town profile looked liked that shaped the views and opinions of the candidate we are about to hear from for at least the next 60 days.
Now, where the hell is Wasilla?... Thanks Google Maps!
View Larger Map
Gov. Palin, my question to you and to the
To the new "Second Dude": Play your ass off every time you get on the ice - the nation is now watching, no pressure!
Good Luck young man -
I began blogging as a way of getting ideas out of my head and into a realm where I could nurture and grow them. At first playing with different ideas, tossing this and that against the wall to see what stuck only to find that I really needed to find something that I cared about to really get my voice onto the virtual paper. I began writing about a motorcycle trip that my wife and I took back in 1999 and have/will continue to write about our trips as I continue to grow as a blogger. I also have found that I wanted to stay true to those who began reading my blog on any kind of a regular basis and didn't want to clutter it up with all of the non-travel/non-motorcycle related stories, ideas, and rants. I first came to this dilemma (include other items or keep Ride White Lines pure of the side commentary) when
Enjoy the journey and regardless of your choice for president make sure that your voice is heard - get out and
If you don't vote... remember... you can't bitch about it later!