You know I've been going on about the Great State of Arizona and our Secretary of State, Jan Brewer, and yes, I know she's just enforcing the campaign laws (although, now seems a rather strange time to get all sphincter tight about it) when it comes to what type of clothing, badges, pins, buttons, stickers and the like would be considered "campaigning" in the polling place... And my advice was and is just don't. Your vote is too important to wear your President Obama pin's or other paraphanalia.
And just so everyone has a source to turn to.... ACLU has an excellent resource titled... "What not to wear on election day"..
Vote Tuesday, November 4th.
You have been given a voice, use it. Go out and Vote! for something you care about.
Technorati Tags: Vote, Arizona, Jan Brewer, President Obama, Campaign Laws, Election

You would think that in the year 2008 we would have found a better way to handle something this important.
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