Update for our Loans at KIVA: Team SCREAMING at the TV!
Back in November and December I asked you to join me in making a microfinancing loan in the amount of $25.00. Thank you, to those that have. Some may have seen this as a bit risky. Maybe, but I'll take that risk. Some may have seen this as a bit too much in the time of financial crisis in America -- this is exactly the time we should be reaching out, helping others, helping those less fortunate than we are. I ask again, join me at Team SCREAMING at the TV! you can find the link on the left hand side under the "Your Action, News & Resource Center" menu.
Here are how our three loans have performed to date:
Total Amount Loaned $75 Kiva average = $134.00
Total Amount Repaid $19 Kiva average = $81.00
Amount of Ended Loans Not Repaid In Full $0.00 Kiva average = $1.28
Amount of Ended Loans $0.00 Kiva average = $50.50
Default Rate 0.00% Kiva average = 2.56%
Delinquency Rate 0.00% Kiva average = 2.84%
You have been given a voice, use it. Go out and SCREAM! about something you care about.Politics,