I thought that I would be able to get away from the dread of the financial collapse of AIG and enjoy some time in the fresh mountain air and forest of north central Arizona with my kid and his friends. Parent-chaperone's wanted to talk about the election, McCain and his MILF, Obama and ... Joey. I did my best to avoid direct assault but I also did my best to listen. Even the Dad who drove his "Beemer" to camp was uncertain and concerned - I'm not sure what that will ultimately will lead him to do - vote or not, for the right candidate or the "Right" candidate, I'm uncertain. The discussion was all over the board as I would have expected from this group of Soccer Mom's (a few Hockey Moms & Dads) and Dads who had taken a couple of days off to be with their kids.
Let's talk about those Dads for a moment. I took the time to go to this camp for three days because I wanted to be there with my son. It's not the first time I've gone to this camp so I knew that my nights would be sleepless, if not for the cabin full of talkative boys then certainly because of three inch foam rubber mattress that you learn to call a bed, I knew there would be down time, and lots of walking in the woods and food that was passable after a long day in the woods. I knew there would be the science of nature and the nature of science involved for the time we were there. What I didn't know is that there would be dads with lap-tops, cellphones and blackberry's wandering through the woods WORKING - ummm I have a bit of an issue with this. As a parent I would like to know, had I not been there and I had entrusted you to chaperone my kid while away at camp - please explain to me how the hell you are going to do this if you are texting your office, making sales calls, and filing reports all day long? Why did you come along? Did your wife twist your arm? Can't you afford to give your kid your attention for three days? I was slightly mystified by the number of dads conducting business instead of enjoying their kids... Maybe this speaks volumes about America today.

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