A child is born it's mother coddles it to her breast. A father stands proud, smiling, dreaming of the wonders that the world will offer.
Time passes
Baby grows, learns to crawl, walk and talk. A doctors visit, first shots, weighed and measured, oh how he's grown.
Time passes
Without a care, baby has grown, plays in the yard, trucks and cars, dolls and mud pies, dress up, have a tea party, set up a lemonade stand.
Time passes
First days of school, day care, kindergarten, first grade. Mother coddles it close to her breast, a father stands proud dreaming of the wonders the world will offer.
Time passes
Doctors visit, a "well-baby" check, shots are updated, weighed and measured, oh how he's grown.
Time passes
A father stands proud dreaming of the wonders the world will offer.
Time passes
~ whiteline ~
2.2 million children die each year because they are not immunized. Source 1.
The world; US, Europe, Japan, and the rest spend enough on Perfume, Pet Food, Cigarettes, and Cosmetics Source 2. to provide Basic Education, Water and Sanitation and Basic health and nutrition to the WORLD and still have 3 BILLION left over.
Speak up, speak out! Talk to someone. You have been given a voice for a reason, use it today.
You can help by contacting UNICEF, International Red Cross Red Crescent, Your local Red Cross Chapter and other global organizations dedicated to eliminating poverty and providing basic human needs to the worlds populations.
Play Robin Hood - donate, let your voice be heard.
Source 1. UNICEF. UNICEF - 2000 - 2006 mortality count of 60 Million Children World wide. The term "Children" in the study is defined as age from "Infant to Five years of Life"
Source 2. Consumerism, Volunteer Now! (undated)

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