There is this wonderful organization that you may or may not know about called KIVA.
Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs in the developing world.
Kiva is also involved with Blog Action Day and offers a great way for our voices to be heard not only on October 15th, but every day prior to and after the 15th.
So how does Kiva work? Here's the info:
1) Lenders like you browse profiles of entrepreneurs in need, and choose someone to lend to. When you lend, using PayPal or your credit cards, Kiva collects the funds and then passes them along to one of their microfinance partners worldwide.
2) Kiva's microfinance partners distribute the loan funds to the selected entrepreneur. Often, Kiva's partners also provide training and other assistance to maximize the entrepreneur's chances of success.
3) Over time, the entrepreneur repays their loan. Repayment and other updates are posted on Kiva and emailed to you if you wish to receive them.
4) When you get your money back, you can re-lend to someone else in need, donate your funds to Kiva (to cover operational expenses), or withdraw your funds.
So how much do you lend in this Microfinancing deal? The average is $25.00. Basically what it would cost you to take you and a friend to a fast food restaurant and have a couple of burgers, fries and soft drinks. For $25.00 you could change someones life - forever.
Look it's painless - yes it may take some time to get that $25.00 back in your pocket - but look at the impact you will have on the world around you.
I'm asking you to join the team of Blog Action Day supporters and lend a hand to those who could use it most, $25.00 that's it(of course if you want to give more - go right ahead). Join me on the Blog Action Day Team
You have a voice, use it. Vote, Stand up, and keep SCREAMING at the TV!

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