SCREAMING at the TV! Featured On Ezine ArticlesBlog Award - Brilliante Weblog

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Farm in Peru: Follow-up

Yesterday, I, along with thousands of other Bloggers took part in Blog Action Day '08 (BAD '08). One of the post that I published was Farm in Peru. It was about 30 minutes after I first stated that "As of this post, his loan is 45% funded but he still needs $150.00". I know, $150.00 not that much, but this speaks to how fast KIVA and the lenders - you and me - can have an impact. 30 minutes - that's all it took to provide the means necessary for Valentin to have the opportunity to change his and his families future.

How often have you been able to have that kind of an impact in your every day life? How many times at the office, job site, cubical, construction site, bank or anyplace else have you been able to offer and provide the means to change someones life and to know that you have done it?

Ladies and Gentlemen - I am proud to announce: My children's happy-meals have left the building and the cost of those meals is now offering someone an opportunity to advance their station. Money well invested.

You have been given a voice, use it. Go out and SCREAM! about something you care about.

SCREAM,KIVA,Blog Action Day '08

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Anonymous said...

Thumbs up Troy!