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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Arizona Prop 105 - Say No to Lazy People

As we draw closer to day it's critical that we keep talking about the issues before us as a State and as a people. A State that needs to be fiscally responsible and as a people that don't want to be viewed as doormats for the lazy.

The official ballot language for the measure reads:

To protect the will of the people of for fiscal responsibility through true majority rule, any initiative that imposes additional taxes or spending must have support from a majority of qualified electors in Arizona. Currently, initiatives that increase taxes or spending can pass with approval from only a minority of qualified electors. In the past, big money, special interest groups have pushed higher spending and taxes. Arizona now faces one of the largest deficits of any state in the country. We must protect the will of the people and let a true majority of the voters decide.

So let's dissect the important parts of the message above:

1. "To protect the will of the people of for fiscal responsibility through true majority rule...(to end of sentence)"

The keyword in the first sentence is: Majority = and it is defined as the Full count of ALL registered voters.

Essentially this translates to ALL registered voters would have a vote counted, regardless whether they stayed home or actually went to the polls and cast their vote. A registered voter who did not actually go and vote would be counted as an automatic NO vote.

2. "Currently, initiatives that increase taxes or spending can pass with approval from only a minority of qualified electors."

From the year 2000 through 2008 there were five initiatives passed that this double majority law would have defeated. All five were passed with a MAJORITY of votes from those who took the time to actually go and vote. None of these measures would have passed under .

These were:

2000 200Tobacco settlement money; health insurance58.1%
2000 204AHCCCS; funding; health; nutrition and prevention programs62.9%
2002 202Tribal-state gaming compacts50.8%
2006 201Smoke-free Arizona54.8%
2006 203Early childhood development; $0.80 increase of tobacco tax53.2%

The next two sentences of the Proposition are just political posturing so I won't even bother addressing them.

The keys really are in the True Majority aspect and if we want a bunch of people to lazy to get off the couch or make time in their day to vote - to have the preponderance of the say. I say no. Not only NO but HELL NO.

I have voted in EVERY from the time I turned 18 on. To give you an idea how long that's been Reagan was on the ballot for my first vote. I am not willing to give up my voice to anyone. Let alone someone who won't participate in the process.

NO on Arizona Prop 105

You have been given a voice, use it. Go out and SCREAM! about something you care about.

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