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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Petition the UN

Sign the Darfur UN PetitionI wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed:

The text of the petition is as follows:

"Stop the violence, rape, terror and death in Darfur. Shout to the United Nations and the President of the United States, that the violence must stop now. Call to task the Sudanese government and hold them responsible for the death and torture they have inflicted upon millions of innocent men, women and children. We need a United Nations Security Council resolution on Ahmad Harun,former Minister of the Interior, Sidan, and militia leader Ali Kushayb.Let your voice be heard"

"Recognize Genocide in Darfur": Sign the Petition

You know that I think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time. If you don't want your name stated there is an anonymous option in the signature block.

You have been given a voice, use it. Go out and SCREAM! about something you care about.

SCREAM, Darfur, Petition, UN, United Nations

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