November 10, 2008 (WASHINGTON) –
Each of the tents was sent by a community somewhere in the United States, representing approximately 350 cities in 48 states.
As the article continues Mr Van Oudenaren goes on to provide expectations of those demonstrating:
.... benchmarks will include whether or not the UNAMID peacekeeping force receives the equipment that it has thus far been denied, such as transport and attack helicopters...
...Later in the day a vehicle belonging to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees was attacked in Zalingei, West Darfur...
This crisis will not let up without pressure from the international community. Add your voice, talk about this at home, at your church, in your community, on your blog. Write letters to your government officials, let them know that we must support the efforts and the needs of the UN Peacekeeping forces.
You have been given a voice, use it. Go out and SCREAM! about something you care about.
Darfur, activists, Sudan Tribune, Sudan, Tents of Hope, Peace Tents, peacekeepers, UNAMID

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