Chandler, AZ, November 12th, 2008.
John, did we have a momentary lapse of reason? What possibly could you have been thinking? I know it wasn't "Now this will be good P.R.".
A 78-year-old Democratic volunteer accused the
Huppenthal, who represents an area that includes west Chandler and parts of Ahwatukee Foothills and Tempe, said the sign contained a lie about his involvement in solving air quality issues at Corona del Sol High School in Tempe.
Can I get three cheers? Hyp-Hyp-O-crit! Hyp-Hyp-O-crit! Hyp-Hyp-O-crit!
Huppenthal stated that he was following the law pertaining to political signs.
The LAW states: No one can remove political signs 45 days before an election or seven days after except for the candidate to whom the sign belongs or the property owner if the sign is placed on private property, or if the sign is placed in violation of the law.
Huppenthal stated that he had left the sign beside a trash bin in the apartment complex for it to be easily found by the owner... Case Closed
Senator John Huppenthal, Senator, Arizona, John Huppenthal, Chandler Police, political sign, misdemeanor, theft

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