Fellow "SCREAMERS!" now that the election has past and the political feeding frenzy will begin to die down a bit it's time for us to get back to the business at hand.
Saving the world one small scream at a time.
I would like to ask you to join me in signing and sending an electronic postcard to President-elect Obama (I love writing that!!) for the Voice for Darfur campaign.
Both candidates pledged "unstinting resolve" in pursuing an end to the Darfur genocide. Now it's time to begin the campaing of urging President-elect Obama to uphold his pledge.
Please join me in signing the post card. You can get to the Postcard by clicking the Save Darfur graphic or by clicking here.
President-elect Obama's Record on Darfur:
Obama/Reid Amendment
On Oct. 2, 2006, Sens. Obama (D-IL) and Reid (D-NV) offered a $20 million amendment to H.R. 5631, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act. The amendment allocated funds to support the African Union troops in Darfur.
The African Union is currently the only protection for Darfurians. While it is imperative that a United Nations force take over for the African Union, the latter must be supported in the meantime.
The Obama/Reid amendment provided sorely need funds, but this is just a step. We must add our voices and keep the issues in front of our government. Sign the postcard to let our President know that his voice and that the voice of our country is needed now more than ever.
You have been given a voice, use it. Go out and SCREAM! about something you care about.
Technorati Tags: President-elect Obama, Voice for Darfur, genocide, Darfur,

I am saddened and sickened by what is happening now and has gone on in Darfur and that so little has been done to help these people. Maybe now some progress can be made to end this horror.
Delaney, I couldn't agree more - action is needed and the world needs to stand as one. The US & UN keep promising but then follow policies and practices to the contrary - I'll send a million postcards if it gets someones attention! :)
Thanks for adding your voice!
It's nice to see people like you so dedicated to helping others. I got my postcard by e-mail. Keep pitching Troy--you're a winner.
Tricia, thanks so much for being a voice.
Signed and sent.
Thanks for adding your voice Anok!
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