"Project AWARE Foundation spearheads global underwater cleanups during International Cleanup Day and year round. This annual volunteer event addresses the devastating impact of marine debris on the aquatic environment." (source: ProjectAWARE.org) Additionally, local dive shops, divers and active environmentalist enlist the support of divers, snorkelers and water enthusiast to clean the shorelines. A diver can spend several tanks of air below the surface removing debris, but without the support of those on the shorelines removing debris from the surface their work may be for naught. Your involvement is needed, diver or not, find out more information at: Cleanup day locations
Being active in maintaining our environment is not a one time deal, get active and stay active. Ok, I know we're all busy, taking kids here and there, running around in circles with our hectic lives, business, clients it all gets way to crazy sometimes. Point understood and lived firsthand, so why not take a break, it's a couple of hours out of your life - just commit to once a year to start with, give it a try:
The International Cleanup Day is held annually on the 3rd Saturday in September but cleanup and data collection activities are supported by Project AWARE, partners and volunteers on an ongoing basis.
The world population is an estimated 6.6 Billion people and in 2007 there were a total of 358,617 recorded volunteers that participated in the International Cleanup Day. In 2007 those volunteers cleaned 34,560 miles of shoreline and remove seven million pounds of garbage from the waters of the world.
I know that 2008 can be a bigger success, contact your dive center and get involved. If you dive; hey, it's another logged dive and most centers offer free air! If you don't dive; it's just a great day outside doing something positive and setting a great example for others to follow.
Get involved, become AWARE.
Project AWARE Foundation,garbage,world population,International Cleanup Day
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