Over the past several years
The state began putting the new cameras in operation in September and valley drivers have wasted no time in helping DPS test the system. A recent news report states that
Not every one of the 166,176 activations has resulted in a ticket but there have been over 40,400 that did. Not a bad revenue stream as the tickets would add up to $6.6 million if all the violators pay up.
Nearly 60 cameras are in currently in use, of those, 40 are mounted on vehicles and 20 are at fixed locations along Valley freeways with an additional 12 stationary cameras by the end of the year in the metro area.
The old fashioned
Remember to smile, the cameras take a picture of you and your license plate, and wave to the camera.
You have been given a voice, use it. Go out and SCREAM! about something you care about.

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