I've wondered over the past few days just exactly what I would do with Wednesday's post. What I came up with was--Nothing. Why? I usually have a lot to say, some say I have too much to say, I have nothing... but I will offer the following
I have spent the past 6 years watching my in-laws
As he aged and his body and mind became weaker my time was spent there with him. I was there to help him through the transition from
This week the journey of watching and spending my time ended. My Father in-law passed two years ago on Christmas Eve. My Mother in-law passed on the 9th this month. Both of my In-Laws were in their 80's when they passed. Immigrant Americans from Germany. They came over in the early 50's by boat and traveled from New York to Arizona by car as soon as they arrived.
They lived a full and vibrant life. They have been through, seen, and done things that most can never imagine.
So what have I learned on my watch? I'm glad I gave my time, other than that I wish I knew. I can tell you that the health care system needs fixing. I can tell you that some of the best and most caring people in the world work in the elder-care industry. I can tell you that Arizona, lacks greatly when it comes to caring for the elderly. I wish I could tell you more. I'm certain that the dying have lessons for all of us to learn.
I think they are lessons we see more clearly after time has passed on.
Schlaf gut, Omi
You have been given the ability to listen - do it. Go out and sit and listen to someone you care about.
Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Arizona Elderly Care, Elderly Care, Health Care, Society

My thoughts go out to you and your family. I hope that you are all managing well.
I truly understand your feelings about your father in law... I felt the same when my own father was in the nursing home with dementia. It was so hard to see him that way.
Dethmama, thanks. I really struggle with my inability to go and be with him as often as I would have liked. I had the hardest time watching him deteriorate. I'm afraid that it made my visiting Omi over the past few years very, very difficult.
I did spend time with her at the end.
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